Friday, April 25, 2008

Are You Fucking Serious?

CNN Headline News brings you a one hour special on the "End of Days." Would you fucking idiot fundamentalists please just go kill yourselves!? Now!!!!

I was just thinking about the fact that it really had been a daily occurrence lately that I had these Americans-are-so-stupid moments, but I've been a bit lost--maybe sidetracked on the fundamental misinformedness of the American populace about political and economic ideas. I did find and article in the New Statesman about destructive US intervention in Latin America where there was an interesting comment posted. I agreed with the guy about the journalistic weaknesses of the article, but the guy was clearly arguing from the fallacious position that socialism ("communism" actually) has been proven not to work and capitalism has proven superior. And, I wrote a bit about that.

But, then Glenn Beck, who thanks to the infotainment revolution gets to call himself a journalist, gives us a "news" program about the realization of Bible prophesies and the imminent armageddon. And, this is something that I need not even elaborate on. I mean, this is just so stupid on so many levels, I don't even want to start elaborating on it. The fact that this idiocy is cloaked as "news" should preclude further discussion of anything but the role of media in society. So, there; you have Glenn Beck to thank for keeping me from writing about socialism. Loudmouthed, fake-grey-aired dumbass. Oh, my Void! GB is quoting Ezekiel. The world hath shit a great terd and that terd is Glenn Beck; where's the toilet paper?

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