Friday, April 24, 2009

Evolution deniers are idiots.

Just a little pointer for evolution deniers: George Bush, a denier himself hedged his bet on the Almighty when he directed Federal agencies to prepare for the adaptation of bird flu to human infection. For, if bird flu was not adapting so much as being engineered by a god to infect humans, then Bushie would be going against the will of the god. And, that just couldn't be the case, could it?

Now, there is an even more striking similar case of evolution in which “the flu … combines pig, bird and human viruses in a way that researchers have not seen before, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. The evolution and outbreak of this virus seem to be a pretty novel occurrence—it’s the platypus of viruses.

I just caught onto his as an everyday example of evolution, but it is also interesting that it could just as well provide fuel for intelligent design advocates. You see, while the scientific community generally sees phylogeny in the similarity of DNA and RNA, ID advocates say the appearance of phylogeny is the result of God’s re-use of previously created building blocks. For example, chimps must have been the last thing created before homo sapiens, since they have the most similar DNA to us.

Anyway, the point is that evolution deniers are idiots.

Happy late Darwin Day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Evangelism is rampant in the military...duh!

This story on NPR aboLinkut Sikhs not being allowed to maintain their religiously prescribed personal grooming after enlistment is interesting. There are some issues in conflict--military respect for religious freedom, military rules laid-out for practicality and uniformity, the honorable service of Sikhs in the armed forces before the rather recent "gotta-shave" rule, basic fairness. But, what really gets me is that so many of the commenters seem oblivious to the fact that religious bias is not only accepted in the US armed forces, Christian evangelism is unofficially endorsed, sanctioned, and promoted--despite rules that prohibit any such act. Perhaps the mass uninformedness is a result of news media failure. The Public Record is the only journal doing a decent job of covering the issue, and their latest article is here.

Maybe Rapture is really meant to save the rest of us from the "saved" by getting them off my planet?! If so, bring it on!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why couldn't we have a shadow government that didn't suck?!

Like a hypochondriac who won’t go to the doctor because he thinks he’s just being hypochondriacal, I have doubted my own assessment that the US government is controlled—essentially owned—by wealthy oligarchs who pay for the elections and votes of our politicians, that the Executive and Legislative branches (at least) of the US government are simply an elaborate puppet show designed to appease the masses with illusions of self determination. Finally, much to my chagrin, a former chief economist at the IMF says I’m right. Fuck! I knew it all along—wishing whole-heartedly I was wrong. (Original article.) This dude at the Rolling Stone takes a different tack to say practically the same thing and spells it out with more detail in a ridiculously long article. So, all you paranoid conspiracy hounds, rest easy; there really is a “shadow government” controlling your nation and your fate.