Do I really need to say anything about this? Probably not. But I will anyway. Is there any better way to illustrate that you're a fanatic that stripping half nude and painting your body as a banner for your cause? Well, you could burn a symbol of your enemy...but let's not got there. Need I say that the more fanatical someone is the less rational he/she is likely being about his/her cause? Ugh. The pic comes from here. It's from an article about "Palin Dudes," who dole out the idiotic quotes as quick as they make complete tools of themselves: "You rock me out, Sarah." Way, Dude! Rockenroll! One dude "wore a 'Proud to be voting for a hot chick' button," as if that's a good reason to vote for someone and that he should be proud of thinking with the little head. "Who can't trust a mother?" Maybe a kid whose been drowned by one or a husband who had one sleep around on him or hide her pregnancy from him. What kind of dumbass would stereotype someone into being trustworthy? She's a politician, dipshit. "Marry me, Sarah." You get the picture.
The article then goes in an entirely different direction describing a segment of the men who have come to distrust men and deeply want female leadership, but not just any female leadership, her female leadership. They see her as a woman as a woman should be--a wife and a mother, a woman who would marry a man like them. They don't want an intellectual woman or a woman who has had to masculate herself in order to climb the political ladder. They don't want a woman who stresses stereotypically feminine issues like education. Because she likes hunting and generically tough-guy stuff, she is nonthreatening. Aside from her being marginally doable, she's possesses nothing typically feminine. She is effectively a "dude" like them--moreso than McCain even. So, they're voting for themselves but repressing this fact and representing their choice superficially as a vote for radical (which tough-guy feminism is) change. Rationality apparently never comes into the equation.
These are weird times.